Emergency contraception (EC) can prevent as much as over 95percent of pregnancies whenever taken within 5 days after sexual intercourse

What exactly is crisis contraception?

Crisis contraception relates to ways of contraception which can be used to avoid maternity after sexual activity. They are suitable for used in 5 times but they are more efficient the earlier they’ve been utilized after the work of sexual intercourse.

Mode of action

Emergency contraceptive pills prevent maternity by preventing or delaying ovulation and they do not cause an abortion. The copper-bearing IUD stops fertilization by causing a chemical improvement in egg and sperm before they meet. Crisis contraception cannot interrupt a proven pregnancy or damage an embryo that is developing.

Who are able to utilize crisis contraception?

Any girl or woman of reproductive age might need crisis contraception in order to prevent a pregnancy that is unwanted. There are not any absolute contraindications that are medical making use of crisis contraception. You can find no age limits for the employment of crisis contraception. Eligibility requirements for basic utilization of a copper IUD also submit an application for usage of a copper IUD for crisis purposes.

In exactly what situations can emergency contraception be applied?

Crisis contraception can be utilized in several circumstances after intercourse that is sexual. These generally include:

An advance way to obtain ECPs could be directed at a female to make certain that she’ll keep these things available whenever required and will just take at the earliest opportunity after unprotected sexual intercourse.

Moving to regular contraception

After utilization of ECPs, females or girls may resume or start a regular way of contraception. In cases where a copper IUD is employed for crisis contraception, no extra contraceptive protection becomes necessary.

After administration of ECPs with levonorgestrel (LNG) or combined dental contraceptive pills (COCs), females or girls may resume their contraceptive technique, or begin any method that is contraceptive, including a copper-bearing IUD.

After usage of ECPs with ulipristal acetate (UPA), females or girls may resume or begin any progestogen method that is containing combined hormone contraception or progestogen only contraceptives) in the 6th time after using UPA. They could have an LNG-IUD placed immediately they are not pregnant if it can be determined. The copper can be had by them IUD inserted instantly.

Types of crisis contraception

The 4 types of crisis contraception are:

Crisis contraception pills (ECPs) and combined oral contraceptive pills (COCs)

whom advises some of the after medications for crisis contraception:


A meta-analysis of two studies revealed that women that utilized ECPs with UPA possessed a maternity price of 1.2%. latin dating sites Research indicates that ECPs with LNG possessed a maternity price of 1.2% to 2.1per cent (1) (2).

Preferably, ECPs with UPA, ECPs with LNG or COCs should be studied as early as feasible after unprotected sexual intercourse, within 120 hours. ECPs with UPA are far more effective between 72–120 hours after unprotected sex than many other ECPs.

Unwanted effects through the usage of ECPs act like those of dental contraceptive pills, such as for example sickness and vomiting, small irregular bleeding that is vaginal and fatigue. Unwanted effects aren’t typical, these are typically moderate, and can ordinarily resolve without further medicines.

If nausea occurs within 2 hours of going for a dosage, the dosage must be duplicated. ECPs with LNG or with UPA are better than COCs simply because they cause less vomiting and nausea. Routine utilization of anti-emetics before using ECPs just isn’t suggested.

Drugs employed for crisis contraception try not to damage fertility that is future. There’s absolutely no wait into the go back to fertility after using ECPs.

Health eligibility requirements

There aren’t any limitations for the eligibility that is medical of may use ECPs.

Some ladies, but, utilize ECPs over and over over and over repeatedly for just about any regarding the reasons stated above, or as their method that is main of. This kind of situations, further counselling has to be offered about what other and much more regular contraceptive choices could be appropriate and more effective.

Regular and repeated ECP use could be harmful for women with conditions classified as medical eligibility criteria (MEC) category 2, 3,or 4 for combined hormone contraception or Progestin-only contraceptives (POC). Regular utilization of crisis contraception can lead to increased side-effects, such as for instance menstrual problems, although their duplicated use poses no understood health problems.

Emergency contraceptive pills had been discovered become less effective in obese ladies (whoever human anatomy mass index is much a lot more than 30 kg/m2), but there are not any security issues. Overweight females shouldn’t be rejected usage of crisis contraception when it is needed by them.

Counselling for usage of crisis contraceptive pills will include choices for making use of regular contraception and suggestions about how exactly to make use of practices precisely in case there is sensed technique failure.

Copper-bearing devices that are intrauterine

whom advises that the copper-bearing IUD, when used as an urgent situation contraceptive technique, be placed within 5 times of unprotected sex. This technique is specially befitting women that want to begin using an efficient, long-acting, and reversible contraceptive technique.


Whenever placed within 120 hours of unprotected sex, a copper-bearing IUD is significantly more than 99% effective in preventing maternity. Here is the many effective kind of crisis contraception available. When placed, females can continue steadily to utilize the IUD as a continuous approach to contraception, or might want to alter to another method that is contraceptive.

A copper-bearing IUD is really a form that is safe of contraception. It is estimated that there could be significantly less than 2 instances of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) per 1000 users (3). (FP Global Handbook). The potential risks of perforation or expulsion are low.

Healthcare eligibility requirements

Eligibility requirements for basic usage of a copper IUD also make an application for usage of a copper IUD for crisis purposes. Ladies with a disorder categorized as MEC category three or four (as an example, with current PID, puerperal sepsis, unexplained genital bleeding, cervical cancer tumors, or severe thrombocytopenia) for the copper IUD must not work with a copper IUD for crisis purposes. In addition, a copper-bearing IUD shouldn’t be placed for emergency contraception after intimate attack as the girl can be at high danger of an intimately transmitted disease such as for instance chlamydia and gonorrhoea. A copper-bearing IUD shouldn’t be utilized as crisis contraception whenever a lady has already been expecting.

The whom healthcare eligibility requirements for contraceptive usage states that IUD insertion may further raise the danger of PID among ladies at increased risk of intimately sent infections (STIs), although restricted proof shows that this danger if low. Present algorithms for determining increased danger of STIs have actually poor predictive value. Risk of STIs varies by specific behavior and neighborhood STI prevalence.